I’m Akshay Kumar. I geek out on systems and infrastructure.

I am a software engineer with 11+ years of experience. For the latter half of my career, I have been focused on systems and infrastructure, and was part of teams owning critical production infrastructure at Stripe and Yelp.

I currently work at Notion where I am on the monetization team. I get to use the Stripe dashboard finally.

I am big into reading and always have a massive reading list to devour. I love it so much that I decided to create a product to make it an enjoyable experience. It is called Savory. You should check it out.

I grew up in New Delhi, India. I love traveling and experiencing different cultures firsthand. I have lived in San Francisco, California and Hamburg, Germany in the past.

Besides computers and reading, I enjoy exploring new places, photography, food, strength training, spending time outdoors in nature and planespotting.